version française

Jean-Pierre Couprie was born in Angoulême in 1941. The mark of the North of France on his painting came via the words of poets and writers, from what French people call the “Plat Pays” (the “flat country”).


Engraver, graphic designer in architecture, his technical control led him to produce, through 250 exhibitions, strong personal works of art, ignoring the usual trends and fashions, structured with a palette knife, with a laser cutting precision. This allowed him to tackle all themes in liaison with his perception of the world, as well as his musical and literary influences.

dentelles flamandes couteau

A universe full of moving lights, of wind and water, where all of a sudden appear cities, bell towers, factories and canals that reveal the intense and powerful poetry of the North of France.

Couprie with his son Frantz in 1995

Couprie with his wife Fernande


“A painting reminds me of a good book. Every painting tells a story and invites the viewer to travel through this story.”


Jean-Pierre Couprie lived in the North of France, more precisely in Le Cateau-Cambrésis, in a red-bricked house like the one he always wanted.

“I like the intensity of the atmosphere here. I think that this particular region is conducive to fantasy.”

Le Cateau Cambrésis

During a conversation with the singer Jacques Brel, Jean-Pierre told him of his fascination towards the North, Brel encouraged him to go and to live “up there”.

Jean-Pierre Couprie mon père disait


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